Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Zen like Orcas, Ocean Magic 3:30


Is it me, or is there a lot of "belly floppin" going on these days? On the 3:30 Ocean Magic Adventure, we (Captain Anna and our awesome all girl crew with passengers) found ourselves in flat calm seas... It was so quiet we could hear the echo of the orca's breath across the water, and unforgettable sound. We began around Henry Island as L pod was heading southbound. They were very spread apart mainly traveling but as you can see some belly flops along the way. The animals were seen heading south towards Lime Kiln park where as usual, an anxious fan crowd awaited them. Animals were spread right out into the middle of Haro Strait. It was a very ZEN like trip this evening. The big male seen in these images and video is L85 who was born in 1991 making him about 19 years of age...

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