Monday, July 27, 2009

Vancouver Adventure Crossing, Transients and Residents

View the whole orca set here


On route from the Prince of Whales Vancouver Adventure crossing on the Ocean Magic, we found a group of about 6 or 7 transients (at about 11:15 am), some of those animals are identified as T102 and T101A and were on the northwest side of Galiano Island. When we arrived they had recently made 2 kills and were now in typical traveling behavior. The lighting was incredible which gave us amazing viewing and photograph opportunities.

On route back to Victoria, we found Lpod who had been making their way in from the west and were about 1 mile south of Discovery spread apart heading east to San Juan Island. When we found them they were in groups which sometimes moved closer together and wider apart. Breaching, spyhops, pec slapping were among some of the behaviors. They swam closely along side of a large freighter at times broadcasting behaviors such as breaching, pec slapping, tail slapping very close to the ship.

View the entire crossing slide show here

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