October continues to be a great month for observing whales. Wednesday, October 29th's Zodiac trip at 1pm was no exception. Skipper Mark, 'Mallard' took us out west along the picturesque shoreline of Metchosin and Sooke, Vancouver Island. We took in the sights and sounds of this beautiful coastline. Our search for local wildlife found different colour morphs of Harbour Seal, Bald Eagles, Great Blue Heron and many Bonaparte's Gull dipping and diving over the water. We turned south at Secretary Rock and headed into the Strait of Juan de Fuca to find the two Humpback whales that had been reported. We soon located them and spent time watching these huge animals move slowly through the water. They were seen dragging bull kelp over their pectoral flippers and dorsal fin. It was interesting to watch these giants, of 35-45ft in length and 40+ tons move so gracefully while foraging. On one ocassion these curious Humpbacks swam toward us, thrilling all our visitors on board. Then they would disappear below after raising their 'flukes' for a deep dive. We spent time admiring these incredible creatures, knowing that they were on their migration to either Hawaii or Mexico. A visit to Race Rocks gave our passengers views of Steller Sea Lion. Although the weather was less than ideal, it was stll an amazing west coast trip once again. Photos by Marie "Orca-Magic"
Most of the images on the blog are shot with a 400 mm telephoto lens. Because of our restrictions around wildlife (100+ meters), we use powerful lenses to better share orca activity that passengers see on their trips. Keep in mind this also heavily compresses space between objects. We also crop images for best blog viewing.
The videos are generally shot in wide angle and are very realistic to what the eye sees on the boat. Please enjoy the photos for the telephoto view, and the videos for a boat based, real life passenger view.
Prince of Whales Youtube
We've upped our anti with new HD videos shot by Orcagirl. Videos will be shot every Wed and Thursday on the 3:30pm Ocean Magic 2 Adventure. Stay tuned..
Race Rocks Reserve
Amazing ecological reserve we visit on our tours
Clint Rivers / Orcawizard
Orcawizard's photo is currently featured in the blog banner. Click his picture to see his website
Marie O'Shaughnessy / Orca Magic
Photographer and blogger Orca Magic
Mark Malleson / Mallard
Mallard is POW's principal photographer and orca expert. Click his picture to see his website.
Brian Glennon / Beemer
Beemer is a zodiac diver and photographer at POW. Please click his picture to see his website.
Maria Chantelle Tucker / Orcagirl
Orcagirl is POW's Web, Media & Blog Master. Click her photo to visit her website.
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