Saturday, September 30, 2006


(HAHAHA um please excuse my excitement, she really did surprize me!!!)

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(^ seasnake photo by Rachael Griffin)

WELL! We traveled to Active Pass today to catch up with the fast traveling southern resident superpod of killer whales! The animals were very wide spread when we arrived. Eventually groups, pairs, individuals passed by. We had quite the look at some interesting behaviors such as some rolling around (mating and whale indecent exposure), high speed hunting pursuits, and even a curious female who looked us along side our boat before porpoising off (see video up top) and what a surprise she gave us! Some pretty epic views of the animals and the BC Ferries today as well. Some of the sighted animals were; J19 and calf J41, females L26, J28 & L77, L73 or L74 - both large males, as well as many many others I did not personally see as so many were passing by in all directions. Today was an overload for all the senses! It might be fall but there is so much to see all year round!

Here are some more fab photos from our guest Marie O'Shaughnessy

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