Thursday, September 02, 2010

Ocean Magic Adventure / Transient Orcas / Sept 1

OK! so it was a bit bouncy during our travel in Sooke but we found them! Captain Anna said we traveled 52 nautical miles - almost to Sheringham Point when we finally caught up with the very fast moving transient killer whales thought to be T37a and family who is made up of females and younger orcas. The animals were traveling fast and against much wind and current. At times the animals stopped to check out what seemed to be prey sources under the water as they were circling around sometimes even spy hopping. One of the larger animals did a fully body lunge out of the water while chasing something, there was definitely some predation going on although we couldn't see what they were after. Passengers were treated to some awesome transient killer whale views, I have not seen these particular transients before so it was pretty exciting for me. With transients you just don't know what they are going to do! On our way home we stopped to look at Race Rocks where the many Stellar and California and some Elephant seals were hauled out. Fabulous trip! Please enjoy the video and photos below which nicely captures our experience of our trip.

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