Capt Shamus "Shamu" took us out east up past James Island to catch up with J K and part of L pod as they were heading north. The weather was magical, calm water and sunshine. We were put in excellent postion by "Shamu" to view Granny J2 and Ruffles J1. A perfect whale watching trip was enjoyed by all. Photos by Clint "Orcawizard"
Our 12:15 Ocean Magic Adventure took us East of Victoria to San Juan Island. Here we caught p with J K and part of L pod. The whales were very spread out and working the water for salmon. The skys were clear and the water had that slight ripple that made it look like diamonds sparkling with the sunshine. Capt Brad had us in great position and we enjoyed some great passes of the magical Orca. Photos by Clint "Orcawizard"
Our first trip of the day we headed out west in search of whales. Capt Shamus "Shamu" took us past Race Rocks and up the coast of Vancouver Island to find L Pod. They were spread out and feeding on salmon. The Orca were very active, breaching, spyhoping and tailobing. Such a wonderful morning on the Ocean Magic. Photos by Clint "Orcawizard"
Our noon Ocean Magic adventure took us west to Willaim Head where we caught up the T41s Transient Orca. Capt Shamus "Shamu" had us in excellent position even as the winds picked up. The whales worked the shoreline as they searched out their favorite food of harbor seals. They put on an amazing show, tail lobbing, porposing and kelping. We then took a tour of Race Rocks marine sanctuary and checked out the sealions and elephant seals. What a great adventure we had. Photos by Clint "Orcawizard"
This morning we headed out of Victoria's inner harbor in heavy fog and out into the Strait of Juan De Fuca. We had just started our trip when First Mate Shamus "Shamu" spotted Killer Whales in the fog. Nicola our onboard Marine Biologist quickly identified them as Transient Orca T41s. Capt Brad put us in great postion to view these magical creatures as they worked the shorline in search of food. A spectacular adventure with these magical Orca. Photos by Clint "Orcawizard"
Saturdays Ocean Magic adventures were magnificent. We had the pleasure of viewing K pod with some of L pod off Race Rocks and off Trial Island. Then in the afternoon we watched all three pods J, K and L off San Juan Island. The weather was perfect and so were the Whales. Capt's Brad and Shamu had us in perfect position to enjoy some very memorable passes. The Killer Whales did many breaches, spyhops and tail lobs. A perfect day of whale watching. Photos by Clint "Orcawizard"
Our 3:30pm Ocean Magic adventure took us out west of Victoria in search of recently spotted Tranient Killer Whales. Capt. Brad's keen eyes found the whales to be two miles west of Race Rocks. The top of all ocean predators, Transient Orca diet consists of on seals, sea lions, porpoises, dolphins, and other large whales. Passengers were delighted to watch these magnificent animals work through the water as Capt. Brad had us in perfect postion to view them. Photos by Clint "Orcawizard"
It was a wonderfully warm, late afternoon as we headed out of the harbour and up Haro Striat. With Captain Shamus at the wheel , the Ocean Magic travelled over smooth water till we caught up with the large Transient male, T14, affectionately named ''Pender.'' He had been seen foraging, resting and playing with kelp on earlier trips. We watched enthralled, as this quiet, stealth hunter move slowly through the calm water. On our return, Harbour seals, and a Harbour Porpoise were seen on this trip. It was an all round magic day once again.
Photos by Marie "Orca-Magic" and Clint "Orcawizard"
It was one of those mornings where one is so glad one decided to go Whale watching. The 9am Zodiac, the first trip out , skimmed across calm water beneath brilliant blue, sun filled skies. Skipper Mark soon found a very sleepy and illusive Humpback Whale south of Race Rocks. The light sparkled on this gentle-giant and its surroundings. It appeared even the shy Harbour Porpoise found it irresistible today, for they could be seen in good numbers. Later we has a report of resident orca coming in from the west. It was a Superpod day, where all three Resident Orca pods join up, J, K , and L. Our time with these magical creatures was spectacular.
It was another exciting west coast trip to discover the variety of marine wild life this area has to offer. In Skipper Mark's zodiac, we headed west again and caught up with the Transient Orca. They were off shore and travelling farther west. A sighting of a Humpback whale breaching in the distance was an unexpected treat. It even gave us an opportunity to observe the unique fluke markings. Our return trip to Victoria included a visit to Race Rocks to see Sea Lions, seals and bird life. A most enjoyable trip was had by all on board. Photos by Marie "Orca-Magic"
Most of the images on the blog are shot with a 400 mm telephoto lens. Because of our restrictions around wildlife (100+ meters), we use powerful lenses to better share orca activity that passengers see on their trips. Keep in mind this also heavily compresses space between objects. We also crop images for best blog viewing.
The videos are generally shot in wide angle and are very realistic to what the eye sees on the boat. Please enjoy the photos for the telephoto view, and the videos for a boat based, real life passenger view.
Prince of Whales Youtube
We've upped our anti with new HD videos shot by Orcagirl. Videos will be shot every Wed and Thursday on the 3:30pm Ocean Magic 2 Adventure. Stay tuned..
Race Rocks Reserve
Amazing ecological reserve we visit on our tours
Clint Rivers / Orcawizard
Orcawizard's photo is currently featured in the blog banner. Click his picture to see his website
Marie O'Shaughnessy / Orca Magic
Photographer and blogger Orca Magic
Mark Malleson / Mallard
Mallard is POW's principal photographer and orca expert. Click his picture to see his website.
Brian Glennon / Beemer
Beemer is a zodiac diver and photographer at POW. Please click his picture to see his website.
Maria Chantelle Tucker / Orcagirl
Orcagirl is POW's Web, Media & Blog Master. Click her photo to visit her website.