This afternoons trip both Ocean Magic's and several of the zodiac vessels, headed out in search of transient killer whales - meat eating orcas who are this planets top predator. Boats went in different directions and alas the T's are found. And apparently not far from them was a minke whale (possible food for transients). The 3 transients (Male T44, Female T41 and jouvenile T41a) traveled calmly northwards up Haro Strait. We left the group and took a peek at some of the harbour seals lazying in the sun near Discovery Island.

This evenings trip surprized us with 2 humpback whales just south of Discovery Island. I only saw one. And not far from them (mins only) were the 3 transient orcas coasting VERY close to the shoreline. They zig zagged a bit, disappearing for long dives and reappearing very far away. They seem to speed travel underwater. It seems to me that they were definately checking out the dinner menu for this evening however we did not get to see the main course ;) We scooted over to Race Rocks ecological reserve and found a rather large group of california sealions sprawled all over the main island rather then their usual haul outs. It is speculated that the many transient killer whale visits over the past few days, could have something to do with it!
Beautiful, flat and calm. Quite the contrast from our recently gale force adventurous seas!
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