Wednesday, June 21, 2006

K pod & humpbacks / Chantelle Tucker


Today we traveled to Lime Kiln park located on San Juan Island USA. Along the way we saw several harbour porpoise milling (in the Juan de Fuca). We also were treated to some rather epic passes of some huge cargo ships. The mixture of (but not all of) southern residents pods were traveling northbound and fairly close to shore. The animals focused on traveling however we managed to spot two calves, one extremely young and still orange, playing with a slightly older calf. By looking at the review screen on the camera, I could see that they were eating salmon and even had one drapped over it's head while spy hopping! Some playful tail slaps from the tiny calf along with a pec fin. There were a few breaches today as well not to mention one right infront of a group of lucky kayakers!. Passengers got a lovely view of adult k pod male Cappucino / K21. We left the group who continued northbound of Battleship Island and crossed Haro Strait to find a humpback whale milling close to Discovery Island Oak Bay. We watched the animal surface about 4 times before heading off into the sunset. Who could ask for anything more? Today is the summer solstice!

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