Capt. Shamus "Shamu" took the Ocean Magic a few miles south of Victoria where we took in the sights and sounds of a humpback whale. The winds were calm and the sun shining as the big cetacean worked the strait of Juan de Fuca. The humpback made several dives, fluking each time. We then headed west and met up with a Transient Killer Whale. This big male Orca was identified as T31. He was leisurely cruising the open water, taking three to four breathes before heading down for his long dive. Our next stop was race Rocks Ecological reserve, where we observed Stellar Sea Lions, California Sea Lions and Harbor Seals. First mate Gord, and Marine Biologist Nicola gave us all an education on marine wildlife and answered all of our questions. As the sun was slowly setting we made our way back to the harbor after a picture perfect whale watching adventure.
Monday, September 29, 2008
It was another fantastic day on the water with the whales. Our boats were with Transient Orca all dayand we have reports that the Resident Orca pods are also still in the area.The weather is shaping up to make for another beautiful day tomorrow and we still have space available for our tours. Our friendly staff is waiting for your call!
Victoria Departures: Zodiac style trips starting as early as 9:00am and hourly throughout the day Ocean Magic II whale watching leaves at 12:15pm Toll free @ 1-888-383-4884 or local @ 250-383-4884
It was a magical afternoon out on the water today. Our experienced Capt. Shamus, took the 12.15pm Ocean Magic to where the 'Superpod ' was reported, near Sheringham Lighthouse. All things came together, the sunny weather, the calm seas as well as the fabulous encounter with the whales. K and J pod Orca were having a ' whale of a time' together. Their enthusiastic greeting with one another was infectious. The passengers on board were truly excited. Our return trip was interesting too for we suddenly came across two big bull Transients whales. One was soon identified as T 14 , Pender , a lone bull who is often seen in these waters throughout the year. It looked like he might have been keeping company with T 31, whose dorasl fin was very tall and came to a very sharp point. A quick stop at Race Rocks afforded looks at the ''Men's Club '', the all male Sea Lion colony lolling around and flexing their muscles. An awesome trip once again. Photos by Marie "Orca-Magic" and Clint "Orcawizard"
September continues to be a great month for viewing Transient Orca, mammal eating whales. Our experienced Captain Shamus took us south of Race rocks to find two Transient Orca,T20 and T21. Earlier we had spent some time viewing Harbour Seals on rocks near the DND, property at Metchosin. The two Transient Orca were travelling east and doing a little foraging along the way. At one point, they surprised the many international passengers on board the Ocean Magic, by suddenly appearing along side. Our dedicated crew Kurt, Nichola and Derek shared their knowledge with the passengers. We tried to locate the two Pacific white-sided Dolphins that had been reported earlier, but to no avail so we made a stop at Race Rocks to enjoy the roaring, barking and tussling of the Steller and California Sea Lions. The wildlife viewing álong the BC coast is always spectacular. Photos by Marie "Orca-Magic"
Ocean Magic's Sunday noon trip took us west to Race Rocks, here we took in Transient Orca. The whales identified as the T10s, were swimming into the strong west coast wind as they worked north along Vancouver Island's rugged coastline. We followed these Killer Whales and enjoyed their company on a cool but sunny west coast day. We had a tour of Race Rocks Ecological reserve and spotted Harbor Seals, Steller Sealions, California Sealions and many different species of birds. Captain Gord had our 3:30 Ocean Magic adventure up the inside of Vancouver Island to Pender Island. Here we caught up with another group of Transient Orcas. These whales identified as the T2s, were working the middle of a channel, searching for food. The scenery was inspiring with the sun playing peek a boo in the clouds. Photos by Clint "Orcawizard"
Saturdays Ocean Magic Adventure took us west to Race Rocks where we encountered the oceans top predator, the Transient Orca, T30 and T109s. These great Killer Whales worked their was along to coast line in search of food. Captain Gord skillfully worked the Ocean Magic as we followed along. Mika and Derek narrated indepth about Ocra and other marine wildlife. Everyone had a terrific time on Vancouver Islands rugged west coast!! Photos by Clint "Orcawizard"
Friday, September 19th was another exciting day for spotting the variety of marine wildlife in these waters. With our experienced Captains Brad and Shamus in the wheel-house for the two afternoon trips, our passengers on board the Ocean Magic were treated to great looks at three Brown Pelicans, Harbour Seals, Steller and California Sea Lions, all at Race Rocks. On our way to Hein Bank we encountered up to 50+ Harbour Porpoises in the flat calm sea. It was at Hein Bank that we caught up with the Transients, the T30's. One of the females was fascinated by the OM and swam up close to take a good look at us. A most memorable experience as she circled and dove beneath the hull, almost as if on cue to say farwell to long time Captain Brad "Dyner"Armstrong on his last trip with Prince of Whales. We were all smiles as we disembarked at the dock. An amazing afternoon of west coast wildlife. Photos by Marie "Orca-Magic" and Clint "Orcawizard"
Although the clouds had moved into the Victoria area, today was still to be an awesome day to view whales. With Southern resident whales over at San Juan and Transients, the T10s close to Victoria, the passengers on board were to get the thrill of a life time. The 12.15pm Ocean Magic, with Captain Anna in the wheelhouse, crossed Haro Strait to find many members of L pod foraging off Eagle Point. There was much ''sharking '' and '' porpoising '' by the orca as they foraged. Mega, L 41, gave us a big surprise by surfacing close to the stern. Our return trip caught up with the Transients, a family of three, while they moved through the waters below the bluffs. September remains one of the best months to view whales. Photos by Marie "Orca-Magic"
Most of the images on the blog are shot with a 400 mm telephoto lens. Because of our restrictions around wildlife (100+ meters), we use powerful lenses to better share orca activity that passengers see on their trips. Keep in mind this also heavily compresses space between objects. We also crop images for best blog viewing.
The videos are generally shot in wide angle and are very realistic to what the eye sees on the boat. Please enjoy the photos for the telephoto view, and the videos for a boat based, real life passenger view.
Prince of Whales Youtube
We've upped our anti with new HD videos shot by Orcagirl. Videos will be shot every Wed and Thursday on the 3:30pm Ocean Magic 2 Adventure. Stay tuned..
Race Rocks Reserve
Amazing ecological reserve we visit on our tours
Clint Rivers / Orcawizard
Orcawizard's photo is currently featured in the blog banner. Click his picture to see his website
Marie O'Shaughnessy / Orca Magic
Photographer and blogger Orca Magic
Mark Malleson / Mallard
Mallard is POW's principal photographer and orca expert. Click his picture to see his website.
Brian Glennon / Beemer
Beemer is a zodiac diver and photographer at POW. Please click his picture to see his website.
Maria Chantelle Tucker / Orcagirl
Orcagirl is POW's Web, Media & Blog Master. Click her photo to visit her website.