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(Alexis / L12)

(Blackberry / J27)
What a day! First we found transient (meat eating orca) Pender / T14 traveling east through the Strait of Juan de Fuca. He was pretty much just moving along in one direction the whole time. Followed by this, we found 2 humpbacks fluking south of the strait, apparently were breaching just before we arrived. We caught some great tail flukes. Stopped in at Race Rocks ecological reserve where both Stellar and California sealions were hauled out. Harbour seals and elephant seals nearby in the water. On our way home we found members of J & L pods passing through the Strait of Juan de Fuca. The southern resident orcas (fish eating killer whales) were spread miles across the strait. The large male above is Blackberry / J27 and female Alexis / L12. A younger smaller orca breached about 5 times, along with a distant spyhop. Some distant tail action (slamming) as well. An amazingly whale packed day on our Ocean Magic 3:30 trip today!
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