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(Harbour porpoise in front of Victoria breakwater on departure)

(3 orcas logging at the surface)

(calf J42)


(Spieden / J8 born 1933)

(pec slap or a wave good bye ;)
We found Jpod in the middle of Haro Strait, near Stewart Island just north of San Juan Island. The group of 25 orcas were spread apart in small groups and were milling. They were not going in any direction at first which is typical of their feeding behavior. Several of the orcas logged as well. On several occasions I saw different females logging and waiting for other family members. I also saw one group log together. Logging is when the orcas rest at the surface for a long period of time. One group of animals including J16 and calf J42 with family including Mike / J26 and others traveled towards the San Juan Island shoreline where they fished close to the rocky shore. One of the group, a juvenile orca, breached multiple times before heading off to join the others near the shore. Baby J42 milled back and forth and also with mom going back and forth. Blackberry / J27 also joined in the feast. Other groups continued to also travel south all were heading towards Lime Kiln park by the time we departed our voyage. Guests today saw some awesome behavior and a lovely view of mom and calf together. Through my lens I saw a few other things near the shoreline including seasnakes, pec slaps and tail slaps.
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