(Ocean Magic docking in the Victoria inner harbour) (Pow guest showing off his amazing camera) (Mallard aka Killer Whale Photography at the helm of his zodiac) (Captain Kurt & Naturalist Nicola) (Your friendly OM crew, Shamus & Liz) (Kurt, Liz, Beemer aka killerwhale.ca)
Today was a beautiful flat calm day, the water so lovely reflecting the blue sky. We arrived south of the Strait of Juan de Fuca to find find two humpbacks surfacing. Most likely a mother and calf, one was larger and one smaller. A few dives and tail flukes. The younger whale had bull kelp around his/her mouth while surfacing, with his or her head just peaking above the surface. Quite sweet but subtle. After we visited Race Rocks ecological reserve where two stellar sealions were hauled out and one was pretty much passed right out. Seal mothers and calfs lay upside down on the rocks as well. A warm, calm day out on the pacific ocean.
Our 3:30 Ocean Magic trip brought us to San Juan Island where some of the Lpod was milling. They must have been fishing because they were not traveling in any direction but moving around probably because of food sources. Sighted Skana / L79 and Mega / L41 on their travels. On our way home we stopped to see some seals hauled out at the Chain Islands and almost camoed into the rocks.
Today on our 3:30 Ocean Magic trip we set sail towards Race Rocks which is an ecological reserve where sealions usually haul out and seabirds nest. All sealions were busy in the water at the time when we arrived. Lpod the southern resident killer whales were heading west in Sooke, not far from the shoreline of Beecher Bay. They have been out west for the past 2 days and today made an appearance in our local waters. The water was rough so the animals used much momentum to travel against the tide which gave us spectacular views. Groups and individuals, including a few males together who appeared to be L73 & L74 were speed porpoising (out of the water lunge swimming). Mothers and calfs breached out of the water, one after the other (see image up top). One large sprouter male - (teenager Skana / L79) surprised us as he passed, afterwards giving us a spyhop glistening in the sun on his way out. It was high drama on the high seas this afternoon and non stop adventure for all on board. There was an interesting mother and calf tail slamming event going on close to shore. We left the group still traveling at high speed to view a small humpback whale who was near Church Rock. The animals gave a few dives and tails before we departed back to Victoria.
On board today, were guests from the very northern community of Resolute Bay, Nunavut Canada, how exciting!. In fact the Mayor was on board(seen in the middle of above photo). They put their positive energies together into a fabulous trip and that it was indeed! Thank you to them for their participation today! PS a happy birthday shout out to Carol!
Most of the images on the blog are shot with a 400 mm telephoto lens. Because of our restrictions around wildlife (100+ meters), we use powerful lenses to better share orca activity that passengers see on their trips. Keep in mind this also heavily compresses space between objects. We also crop images for best blog viewing.
The videos are generally shot in wide angle and are very realistic to what the eye sees on the boat. Please enjoy the photos for the telephoto view, and the videos for a boat based, real life passenger view.
Prince of Whales Youtube
We've upped our anti with new HD videos shot by Orcagirl. Videos will be shot every Wed and Thursday on the 3:30pm Ocean Magic 2 Adventure. Stay tuned..
Race Rocks Reserve
Amazing ecological reserve we visit on our tours
Clint Rivers / Orcawizard
Orcawizard's photo is currently featured in the blog banner. Click his picture to see his website
Marie O'Shaughnessy / Orca Magic
Photographer and blogger Orca Magic
Mark Malleson / Mallard
Mallard is POW's principal photographer and orca expert. Click his picture to see his website.
Brian Glennon / Beemer
Beemer is a zodiac diver and photographer at POW. Please click his picture to see his website.
Maria Chantelle Tucker / Orcagirl
Orcagirl is POW's Web, Media & Blog Master. Click her photo to visit her website.