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(Granny / J2 (mother age approx 98) & Ruffles J1 (son age approx 56)

We ventured quite the distance to catch up with Jpod who was traveling along Pender Island by the time we caught up with them. Guests on board today were delighted to see famous J1 Ruffles (around 58 years) and J2 Granny (around 98 years) who are assumed to be mother and son traveling along side by side. How sweet is that? Those two are never far apart and today we caught a beautiful glimpse of the pair swimming so close. The group was spread far apart from each other however groups of 2 to 5 were seen together. Most of the action took place a fair distance from us, as the animals were pretty close to the shoreline and we were a ways back. Our guidelines do not allow us to enter the shoreline area however we were able to see some interesting activity such as; breaches, pec slaps by J1, tail slaps and an lazy spy hop by who I thought was J1. Noticed J42 (calf born early May) and J16 (mom) swimming together as well. The crowd onboard today gave out lots of "ooo's and aaaa's and were excited to see the amazing family on their journies.
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